
The Old Well

Oldwell.info is an Arknights website about upcoming and current events, links to other sources of knowledge and other infos to help Arknights players to plan their future game exploits.

This website grew from a quick filter overview that I made for myself and friends to see what resources would appear with which event and since has grown in ideas and features. Since most raw data is already available in sources like the Arknights Wiki and Gamepress and other fan sites offer tools, this website serves not as a standalone platform, but as tool that helps players reach relevant tools and information faster.


Page image: Blemishine holding a wrench The cute page icons were commissioned to and created by Wittlered.
Old well art by togekk0 The various pickable Kal'sit logos are credited, viewable and choosable on the Settings page.

Thank you

r/Arknights Discord Server

Thanks to the many people on the Discord server that tested components and encouraged work on oldwell.info.

Special Thanks

IBlameMyRolls & wife for writing story summaries.
Oliver, wiz and AZ, for their technical input and making me feel bad about bad code.
Glitters, for their valuable input and testing regarding accessibility.
Kotking, drak, Korasuka, Erudax and MetaThPr4h, for tirelessly testing.
Mei, for her valuable input in all matters CN and general help.
MJYW, for his input when it comes to calculations.


CipherVegas, who posts the animated gifs of new skins.
aXtraz_Lyinx, who took over the banner datamining.
TacticalBreakfast, for writing useful and helpful guides.

And of course

Thanks to all the great people who already compiled Arknights game information that was used or linked to. Websites and their writers like Gamepress, arknights.wiki.gg, penguin-stats.io, akgcc.github.io